Meet Monica...

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more,

do more, and become more,

you are a leader!"

~ John Quincy Adams

Monica is a talented up and coming Full Stack Developer, versed in Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, HTML and CSS just to name a few. She's gearing up to fully immerse herself into the tech industry with the goal of becoming an expert in her sector.

Before entering tech, Monica was already considered an expert in the corporate field. She has extensive experience in training, running, and managing sizable operations. With her corporate experience merged with her skills in tech, there is no doubt she will be an asset in this dynamic industry.

Monica has managed several groups pertaining to tech. She is the former President of the Computer Science Association, Vice President of Professional Development & Technology for the HCC Chapter of the National Society of Leadership & Success (NSLS), Lead Project Manager for HCC's chapter of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participants (LSAMP), and a NASA Ambassador.

Monica's passion is to help bridge the gap in technology, with the goal of providing a path for other's to do the same.

Monica Lee Inc was founded in 2020 and has diligently assembled an innovative team of talented Software Developers & Engineers to deliver Custom Software Applications & Mobile Solutions, perform Testing, and provide Technology Management & Support services.

Have a project in mind?

We'd love to hear about it!




Houston, TX
